
This is a simple guide to setup the DC++ client and join the hub.There are several extra settings to do,but in DC++ there's a guide to complete all as you want.

When you have download the client start the program and you can see this: (in the guide appears the version 0.670 but the settings are the same)

Step 1 Type your nick
Step 2 Type your mail (it's not important,only if you want)
Step 3 a little description about Pink Floyd or what do you want :)
In Connection type,choise your connection (it doesn't increment or decrement your speed...).

Connection Settings

If you have a simple dial-up or DSL connection leave default (active),if you are behind a router,LAN or Firewall set to passive.


Now you must create a folder where you will put your downloaded files (see 1) and browse it with the Browse button.
On point 2 you can leave it blank or create another folder Incoming or something related. Remember...don't share this folder because unfinished files are useless.
When a download is complete move the file in your share folder. Look next window.


Just create a folder which will be shared in your sharing list,put your files in. Select it with ADD Folder (see the rules before proceding). Now the client start to hashing the files (you can do this step later because hashing files takes long time if you have a big share)
In upload slots put at least 1 (2 or higher is better if you have a fast connection,more slots more trading :-) )
